Story: The film follows Elliot who soon makes friends with a extra-terrestrial who accidentally gets left behind by his alien companions. Soon Elliot and his siblings house E.T. until they no longer can and the evil adults come into play. E.T. eventually phones home and hitches a ride back to his planet. Leaving behind the friendship of a little boy and a drawn out plot structure. I found the story to be very thin and mundane. Although I do like the idea of humans & aliens not battling one another in a space war, I found myself not invested in the friendship of Elliot & E.T.
My biggest problem with the film was it's story. It feels like they have a great skeleton of an idea but don't push it forward enough.

Acting: The acting is one of the few parts I have no problem with in the film. My favorite part is the family, they feel so natural so real. Also I was pleasantly surprised by all the children in the film. Through research I discovered the film was roughly filmed chronologically in order to get a more emotional performances from the child actors. I think this tool from Spielberg most certainly paid off in the end.
E.T. will forever remain a classic in science fiction, I just don't agree with how high it is placed on the classic ladder. I think my main issue with the film is that I don't enjoy it nearly as much as I used to as a child, and that was saddening after the end of the film. I'm not sure if that was the main bullet for E.T. or if it was not that great of a film experience, and I'm afraid I'll have to go with the ladder. But it seems I am the very rare minority in the E.T. hater boat, so it shall remain one of the great American classics.